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Silvani Alves da Silva

lawyer, poet, writer and producer of digital content. 

Graduated in Law from the University Center of Brasília - UniCEUB, in 1994.

Registered at the OAB-DF and OAB-RJ, she works in the areas of Private International Law and Social Security Law. 

Born in Pontalina, Goiás, on March 16, 1961.

At the age of 2, he moved to Goiânia, Goiás.

He also lived in the cities of Paraíso-TO, Vitória-ES and Brasília-DF.

In 2019 he moved to Rio de Janeiro.

On February 28, 2023, he took possession of chair no. 4 of the Rotatory Academy of Letters of the City of Rio de Janeiro - ABROL Rio.

Involved with writing since childhood, she published her first book in 2022.

His literary works include:

"Loving yourself in all seasons"

"Suns and Sunflowers"

"Belina the Blue Butterfly"

"Aquilina and the Abayomi Doll"

"The Rua do Miarrua"

"The banana tree is afraid of the cold"

"Dreams and Lights"

Minimalist and Rotarian, it is committed to simplicity and service to others. Believes that literature can help people better understand themselves and the world around them.

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